Big To Do List
Updated for pre-decompression Jtfoote 19:02, 5 October 2007 (MST)
Near Future
Orb Issues
See Orb Maintenance page
Dust and clean -
clean and lube chain and sprockets -
charge batteries -
Repair/replace broken kill dongles and "fakey" connectors -
clean shells: pressure wash after removing bearings -
Grease zerk bearings with grease gun -
Upgrade all chassis to standard (install dome, fix LED power wiring) -
Check integrity of Illuminator mounts on agg. lids and replace if necessary (62 is worst, others OK) - Bead-blast/anodize shells?
- Deburr inside of large holes near hubs. So we can stick our skinny arms through without scraping them.
- Install gaskets on aggregator lids
- Check all power studs are tight and have lock nuts.
- ensure all LED/Sound connections have strain reliefs.
- Collect tools and parts for Magic Box
fabricate replacement H-bridges and test/install - Build and test dedicated Zigbee remotes
- Install IMUs on all orbs
- Document everything on Wiki
Finish LED AVR firmware and reflash all LED modules - Refactor daughterboard AVR code
- Add software steer zero calibrate
- harmonize data structs and getter calls
- Reflash all modules
- Debug sound module and reflash
- Rebuild mechanically unsound modules
- Document communication protocols & architecture in Wiki
- Experiment with IMU tilt sensor steering feedback
- Enhance mothernode software (variable max speed, command-line settings, autorun)
- Mothernode software for stand performances (fixed-location).
SPU Crew
Makefile maintenance (can we test/run spu code without a spu?) -
New SPU parser using Lemon machine-generated code - Battery status monitor -- flash LEDs on low battery?
- Look at shared memory process communication
See SWARM Publicity page
- press kit
- professional management?
Thank You Packs - Update web site to be less BM-centric
- Update Wiki (parts are really stale)
- MySpace page -- music from Simran?
- Videos to YouTube
- Update SWARM tribe on
- fund raising opportunities
fix dead spu with external 3.3v supply -
Box/platform for remote controls/ mothernode mouse/keyboard - Install downward reflectors on LED pods
- Install two more LED pods per orb to light up entire orb
Tidy and vacate Swarm Dorm - find/make "Orb Socks:" waterproof covers to go inside crates (Giant leaf trash bags? Rain ponchos? Custom-sewn tarps?)
- Return SPU with misbehaving flash mem;
- Install drive encoders
- Install aggregator/GPS
- Benchmark GPS modules
- Benchmark GPS base stations
- develop and document interface
Software and Control
- Matlab/Octave Model
- Estimator design
- feedback control design
- Choreography Design Interface
- Upgrade SPUs to 2.6 kernel? (Now supported by TS)
Choreography Design
- Identify Choreographers
- Think about communicating choreography without hardware
- Interactivity beyond remote controls. Wand? Sensors?