Thank You Packs

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A bunch of stickers and a thank you note in the mail to the following fine folks for the following fantastic reasons:

  • John Wendt -- for burning a DVD
  • Alexander @ -- for burning a DVD
  • Tech Shop -- for grant and advice (Niladri will hand-deliver)
  • Mystery Waterjet Benefactors -- for use of their waterjet
  • Lady Bee @ BMorg
  • Snatch @ DPW -- for loading help
  • Mystery PPP Benefactor x 2: (Coreyfro)
  • Jack Schroll -- for use of TIG welder
  • Flaming Lotus Girls -- for putting up with us
  • Dylan Fairbanks -- for laser perimeter fiberglass poles
  • Richard Hart (anyone have an address?)

Jon will bring materials to 10/15 meeting: please help stuff & address