We’ll be rolling our orbots into the hearts of San Jose-ians (hmm, “San Franciscan” rolls off the tongue… there’s got to be a better phrase ;-) ) on June 5th. The orbs will be rolling around downtown at the prestigious SubZERO event! ZER01!
Building the rolling, singing robotic singularity takes a lot of work, I tell ya! After they’ve taken over, things will be so much easier, I’m sure.
In the mean time, you can see SWARM at several events in the coming weeks.
We’ll be at the After Hours party at the Google IO Developer Conference this Wednesday, May 27th.
This upcoming weekend we’ll be at Maker Faire in San Mateo May 30 & 31st.
and then Robogames in San Francisco, June 12-14!Â
Orbots for the future!
Lee for SWARM
Want to make your own robots? We invite you to stand on our shoulders!
After taking in feedback from our entire group, I am pleased to write that the SWARM Project is now completely open source.
We had previously put restrictions on commercial re-use of our project.
The exact terms of the license can be found here: