Private Event February 22 2012

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We performed at CalAcademy along with a couple other robot groups (Robogames, Chakratron, others) for convention-goers of the MAAWG (Messaging Anti-Abuse Working Group) conference.

A private event the night before the Cal Academy event:

Wednesday Feb 22, 2012


  • Lee

Crew Attending - Event is all ages (Milo!). Eating, drinking & mingling welcome!

  • Marc H "I think I should be able to do both nights"
  • Lee - probably
  • Corey
  • trebor
  • Jesse Z (+1)
  • Rick
  • Dawn
  • Ray(Have a meeting early in the eve but hope to be there later. Stupid not being able to be in two places at once!)

Orbs Attending

Guests Attending

  • No guests, but a little lenient on who is volunteering


  • 6:20-7:30 roll near CalAcademy entrance and nearby area (not in Aquarium)
  • 7:30-onward one orb stationary down in the Aquarium or the mezzanine space between the swamp and the Aquarium. The other orbs... ? ... profit!