Dec 18th 2-3 orbs
See the Scottsdale Private Wiki entry for some details
Shipping Logistics
- Marnia
- Niladri
Orb Drivers
- Lee
- Corey? "fly me out Webnesday Night, then fly me back Thursday night"
Prep Crew
- Dillo
- arrange Driver flights, lodging, rental car/truck?
- settle shipping
- Have orb choreography/behavior
Diana Fisher <> wrote:
> Hello,
> We are working on putting together a series of events called Night Lights
> here in Scottsdale. They will consist of time-based artworks, musical
> performances and interactive aspects for the audience, and all components
> will be light-based in some way. The event will take place along our canal
> so the setting should be really beautiful with all the light reflecting and
> twinkling off the water. I recently saw Swarm at Coachella Music Fest and we
> are interested in featuring it at our event. I spoke to some of the crew
> briefly, and it seemed like a viable option. We have a budget of $2000 per
> project, do you think you could bring Swarm and set up for one evening for
> that fee? This would be inclusive of artists' fees and travel. We may be
> able to provide accomodations for you. Please let me know if you are
> interested. The dates of the events we are looking at are: October 16,
> November 20 and December 18. As each event will feature different works, we
> would be interested in having you for one of those dates of your choosing.
> Thank you,
> Diana
Diana Fisher
Art Events Coordinator
Scottsdale Public Art Program
p 480.874.4667
f 480.874.4655