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From Denise, December 2010: ha, amusing anecdote: on my way through Denver I stopped to visit my friend Travis who I work with at Burning Man. I was trying to describe the orbs, what they looked like and did, etc, and he wasn't really getting it... till I noticed that less than 2 feet from his head, magnet-ed onto his fridge, was the 08 Xmas card, depicting 4 of our orbots. awesome!

"Hey, maybe we're better at this than we think we are." Jon to Erik after, to everyone's surprise, the first roll test actually worked pretty well.

I reflashed the daughter board on Orb 3 and Michael Toren and I roll tested it. The moment I hit the joystick the orb took off and wouldn't stop even when I let go of the joystick.
P.S. 1 - The kill switch is not easy to hit when the orb is running away from you very fast.
P.S. 2- The box shop is out of band aids. I would grab a box but it will be a few weeks before I am back. ~ Niladri emailing SWARM on 1-20-10

Lee: Tom, what did you originally think SWARM was
Tom K (age 8): A mass of energy... well, a ball of pure energy... a mythical mass of energy rolling around. 6-1-09

Orbot attack victim!
I just got attacked by a 2 foot tall animatronic automated "orb" at the #io2009 afterparty. - gabrielhurley, Twit during Google IO Developer Conference 5-27-09

(about not being able to crew the RSA Conference event)
sadly I can't make it; will be in Louisville KY. I don't think there are any robots there. - anonymous

It's like a roomba but for people not cats. - Denise H describing the new robot platform at Noisebridge 2/12/09

Michael mentioned this link on the list.
Lee responded with:
Why do they always talk about shooting advanced robots off into space?
One word:

Dangerous but fun: On packing day, Jon is standing on top of our crate shelves 20 ft up having been lifted there by Michael's (certified!) fork-lift-work. He asks for his beer and it's "passed" up to him on the end of a fork. Later, (for dramatic effect?) Jon takes a deep draft while being lowered back down.

We're all in the shop working furiously on last minute preparations the day before the truck leaves for Burning Man 2008. A newcomer asks Jon, "What do you do the rest of the year?" There is a pregnant pause and he responds, "This." Lee proclaims, "I'm blogging that!"

Last night I dreamed about trying to get Daleks through Customs. I think I need to lay off the Doctor Who for a while. - Dawn after working too hard trying to get orbs to Canada

Oh the Places You'll Roll, a poem by Jon Foote

"Oh they are like robots, but without arms" - overheard at Coachella 2008 by Lee

I thought they were American Gladiator Balls for Cats - a man overheard at Coachella 2008

"What the fuck is this shit?" - a woman looking at the orbs at Coachella 2008

I have lots of males, but, alas, females are scarce. - Jon Foote, taken horribly out of context in email 4-18-08

I think that, if we are going to truly make it in the competitive art world, we'll need to take an art depreciation class. -- Coreyfro 12-5-07 after seeing the winners of the 2007 VIDA Art Competition

This is the hardest thing I've ever done for fun -- Jon Foote 7-1-07

I've never worked with an orb like that. - 'Dillo on 5-1-07

It slices, it dices, it makes Julienned French fries, whatever those are. - Mike Prados