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Possible Location for a Fundraiser

2 people came to an FLG meeting on 4-11-07 and volunteered their space, The Paradise Lounge for FLG events. Swarm might be related enough to get the space. Contact info?

Levende could work well at $50/hr, 4hr min

Aerin found out that Porn Palace is expensive :-(

The Porn Palace is rented for fundraisers still, but I know it's not inexpensive. We've started to move away from Burning Man fundraisers as a focus, and I know we're booked fairly far in advance.

I think it's a $3000 rental fee - my friend who did the Spike's one got to take door but not bar, and had to get 150 people here to just break even. They did broad advertising, and made some profit but it didn't seem like there were really enough people here.

You can contact Cat Rich catrich@kink.com for more info on the venue, and please mention my name. There might be info at pornpalace.com but I'm not sure if it's updated or detailed. Chances are it isn't.

Are you settling into your new place? Is it fabulous?

Hope you are well! -Kyra

Other places:

  • Rx Gallery
  • Encounter Studio (underground live/work space: possibly very inexpensive)