Maker Faire Austin

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Maker Faire Austin, October 18th and 19th, 2008, Travis County Event Center and Fairground


  1. make fair overestimated their budget


  1. Erik "yes, i'll show y'all the best mexican + bbq joints." (tentative assuming i am free from work type responsibilities)
  2. Lee - maybe (he was supposed to be organizing but bagged)
  3. Ray
  4. Niladri is interested in crewing although will willingly step aside for someone else
  5. Jill Myers "Though I am not an engineer, I would still like to help out with SWARM and stuff like this might be a good way to start. How can I help? What do I need to know? "


The Arena will arrive by truck on Monday Oct 13th, orbs in tow Arena construction from Mon-Thurs Swamies must be present by Thurs but are welcome as early as Monday

All Swarmies are needed for Arena Teardown. I am told that "it sucks". Teardown is Sunday Oct 19--> Tues 21st. Long hours, physical labor, hundreds of tiny jobs helping the Arena crew.


As part of the program, Swarmies stay with the 5 Arena crew at a local B&B. Note, usage of the B&B's hot tub is encouraged.