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Thursday: clean orbs. assemble orbs. geekery.

Saturday 10am

  • Lee, Trebor, Coreyfro, Rick, Hallie, Lisa, Ray, Dillo and his truck.
  • assemble orbs
  • put the canopy on the Mothership
  • drive Mothership from Box Shop to Burning Man Headquarters (1900 3rd St).

Sunday 10am sharp:

  • Coreyfro, Hallie, James, Dillo, Mark
  • Meet at Burning Man Headquarters to drive Mothership to Decompression (19th & Minnesota).
  • Marnia and Lee
  • meet at Box Shop to bring orbs to Decompression


  • People that will be around playing with orbs and talking are
  • Lee, Trebor, Simran, Erik, Dillo, Marnia, Mark... others!

Sunday 10pm or so

  • Lisa and her truck, ??? (a helper!)
  • drive the orbs back to Box Shop
  • Jon, Cory, Michael, Gregory MacNicol(?)
  • drive the mothership to Burning Man HQ

  • Monday evening: drive mothership back to Shop.
    • 6 pedalers needed: Lee, trebor, Coreyfro, ray, ???
    • 1 chase vehicle and driver needed: ???