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Data Beez + Karmic Koala, Thu 12 Nov 09

Entertainment will include the 8-bit Dutycyle crew and video projector art, and 8-Bit Peoples from NYC, including Chris Kann from the Bay, inventor of the MidiNES.

There is going to be an "official" Ubuntu Install Fest from 7-8 followed by performance scheduled from 8-11. There will be a modest cover charge for people arriving after 8. People arriving between 7 and 8 get in free, provided they either bring a laptop to participate in the Install Fest, or email ahead of time indicating they want to participate in the Install Fest. The RSVP email will be something like KoalaVolunteers@gmail.com


Please add your name to the list of volunteers, including:

  • Whether you want to participate in the show, pre-maintenance, or post-maintenance
  • If you want to be in the show, please indicate which hours (7p-11p) you can work
  • If you can help with maintenance, please indicate what days and hours you can make it to the Box Shop
  • Please indicate if you can transport one or two orbs to or from the show

Jesse Z.

  • Will be at the show all night, pre- and post-maintenance
  • Flexible scheduling, pretty much anytime. Tue eve Nov 3, or weekend daytime Oct 31 / Nov 1 would be good.
  • Don't have vehicle for orb transport, willing to do loading/unloading at both ends.


  • bring on the oversaturation of the swarm brand

Ignite 2007

Dillo suggests:

Being on the O'Reilly radar wouldn't suck and would be good cross- fertilization with other isotopes of Bay Area geekdom. I'm comfortable enough talking to small-medium crowds of people that I would be willing to be spokesgeek, but I'm not going to do this by myself. Maybe bring two orbs and the Playa 'puter, I/we give a talk and then roll them around inside the DNA?

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Brady Forrest <brady@oreilly.com>
Date: Oct 8, 2007 12:19 PM
Subject: talk about swarm about the DNA Lounge?
To: info@orbswarm.com


I had a blast playing with swarm yesterday., Thanks for bringing it!

I am running a geek night next tuesday and was wondering if someone
would enjoy presenting on Swarm there? It's an evening event at the
DNA Lounge -- free. There will be a total of 16 speakers. Each speaker
gets five minutes. They can use 20 slides and each slide transitions
automatically after 15 seconds.

We've got a ton of great speakers on tech/art/geeky topics as you can
see at: http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/263028/?ps=5
