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Would anyone like to do a 1-3 orb romp at California Academy of Science on April 8th?

It'd be a crew of 2 or 3.

Crew 1st Shift 5pm

  1. Coreyfro with 1 orb capacity
  2. Jill Myers
  3. Erik Swedberg
  4. Marnia w/ truck to bring orbs to Academy
  5.  ?

Crew 2nd Shift 7pm

  1. Robert Harris
  2. Lisa Schile
  3.  ?
  4.  ?
  5.  ?

Crew 3rd Shift 9pm

  1.  ?
  2.  ?
  3.  ?
  4. Denise H
  5. Mark Alexander

Guest List (2 hours commitment)

  1. Corey McGuire
  2. Jill Myers
  3. Erik Swedberg
  4. Michael Toren
  5. Kate Ellis (MCT's +1)
  6. Lisa Schile
  7. Michael Prados
  8. Simran Gleason
  9. Simran's Guest
  10. Denise Hill
  11. Marnia Johnston
  12. Robert Harris
  13. Mark Alexander
  14. Jesse Zbikowski