Box Shop

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The Box Shop

415-642-SHOP(7467) (note that people might not hear the phone ring)
The entrance is at:
951 Hudson Ave
San Francisco, CA 94124
Google Maps location:
The mailing address is: 10 Hunters Point Blvd, San Francisco, CA 94124

Box shop by bus.jpg

Directions by bus - Note that the Box Shop is in a bad neighborhood. At night, consider leaving for home with a friend.

  1. Take the 19-Polk bus (which ends at Hunters Point).
  2. Get off at "Hunters Point".
    • Here's more detailed directions: The bus goes on Evans Ave, stops at "Keith", stops at "Middle Point", turns right onto Middle Point Road, goes up a steep hill stopping at "Innes", goes down the hill and stops at "Hunters Point". Get off there.
  3. You'll see art and shipping containers popping up above the fence across the street from the stop. Walk around the fence to the left and enter the yard.

Directions by car

  1. From 101 north or south: take the Cesar Chavez exit and follow signs to Cesar Chavez Street East.
  2. Go 1/4 mile on Cesar Chavez east to the Evans Ave traffic light.
  3. Turn right/south onto Evans Ave at the traffic light. Check your odometer, you are now 1.6 miles from the Box Shop.
  4. On Evans Ave, you'll pass a power plant, then the road curves to the right, then you'll pass the India Basin Shoreline Park.
  5. Immediately after India Basin Shoreline Park and before a fork in the road, turn left onto Hudson Ave, a gravel/dirt road. At the intersection there is a large hand-painted sign high up on a shipping container that reads "The Box Shop". This sign is sometimes hidden behind trucks parked in front of it.
  6. On Hudson Ave, the Box Shop is the first yard on the right.
  7. Consider diagonal parking on Hudson Ave or back out and park in front of the church across the street.