BM 2008

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Burning Man is funding the return of SWARM for the 2008 event!


You should count on one daily shift (several hours) of Orb/Mothership driving and maintaining (charging batteries, etc.) while on the playa as well as load-in (Friday 20th) and load-out (Sunday night) duties, and not least LNT duty when you leave.

We will expect you to get the basics from the Orb Handbook

Early Arrival

  1. Jon - IllVille
  2. Michael Prados - IllVille
  3. Ray - Pan's garden
  4. Marc(us) Hertlein - IllVille until Saturday 23rd, Circus Bootcamp after that - E & 7:30
  5. Lee - camping on his own. Location unknown yet
  6. Dan Sandberg - - arrive Friday LATE - Couch Surfing Camp - Dart & 6:00
  7. Ulrich Gall - - arrive Friday LATE - Couch Surfing Camp - Dart & 6:00
  8. Alcina Nelson - - arrive Friday LATE - Couch Surfing Camp - Dart & 6:00

Regular Arrival

  1. Trebor
  2. Jodi (friend of Rick L's)
  1. Sergei
  2. Eric
  3. Joey
  1. Jesse?

Maybe Going

  1. Jesse

Charley Gallagher (our insurance guy) staying at 3:45 & B (C side of street), Harmony Camp identifiable by a 50 foot tower with cascading LEDs at night...


SWARM is headquartered at Illumination Village at 5:30 and the Esplanade.

Thursday Aug 21

Michael picks up 20' box truck from Penske Oakland (10755 Bigge Street, San Leandro, CA 94577, Phone: (510) 562-1550)

Pack up

Friday Aug 22

Finish Packing Truck

Truck driving to Burning Man

Unpack Crew

  1. Michael
  2. Lee
  3. Marcus
  4. Ray

Artists Breakfast at Entheon Village 4:00 & Allante 11am

Saturday Aug 23

11am Artists Breakfast at Entheon Village 4:00 & Allante

7:45pm (sunset) Artists Dinner at Playa Q, at 5:00 bt D&E or E&F

Sunday Aug 24

Artists Breakfast at Entheon Village 4:00 & Allante 11am

Monday Aug 25

9pm rollout from Illumination Village


  1. Marc Hertlein
  2. .
  3. .
  4. .

Tuesday Aug 26

Bring 1 orb to Germ, Wally and Jack to test fireworks. They're at 4:30 & Allante

9pm rollout from Illumination Village


  1. .Dan Sandberg
  2. .
  3. .
  4. .

Wednesday Aug 27

9pm rollout from Illumination Village

Practice for fireworks show!


  1. .
  2. .
  3. .
  4. .

Ill Vill & FLG is having a cocktail party at maybe 5pm

Lee is volunteering a shift with FLG 11:30pm-4:30am

Thursday Aug 28

Maybe cancel tonight's roll and bring orbs to fireworks people in the afternoon.

9pm rollout from Illumination Village


  1. .
  2. .
  3. .
  4. .

Friday Aug 29

Orbs being prepped for fireworks all day.

Fireworks Crew

  1. Lee
  2. .
  3. .
  4. .

fireworks showtime: 10pm (or as late as 1am if weather is bad)

Saturday Aug 30

9pm rollout from Illumination Village


  1. .
  2. .
  3. .
  4. .

Sunday Aug 31

A Mystery

Monday Sept 1

Retooling for Toronto

Tuesday Sept 2

Michael returns the truck