Tessera Party

Revision as of 15:05, 5 December 2007 by Lee (Talk | contribs)

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8:30pm:  Depart from BoxShop with orbs, stands, mothernode and controllers
9:30pm:  Arrive and set up; the attendees will be in a separate dining room
10:00pm:  Ten-minute performance, 4 orbs
10:15pm – 12:00:  Random orb rolling and/or orbs on pedestals in the chill room


4 Orbs
1 Mothernode/PPP
4 Orb Pedestals


3 orb drivers
1 mothernode operator and orb driver

People that might attend/work

  • Lisa (with truck for 2 orbs)
  • Mark
  • Aerin (with Scion for 2 orbs)
  • Mike (with truck for 2 orbs)


-Agreement Letter from Dana at United Biosource:-

Four crew members for two hours at $25, and a grand total of $1000. Party Saturday, December 8th in Oakland (across the street from the Crucible) Swarm onsite with four orbs from 9:30 or 10pm for about two hours, with a short show (10-15 minutes) and then two orbs hanging out in their stands

This is the location: http://tessera-oakland.com/home.html

It's a nice space, and we have it for 24 hours (noon on Saturday til noon on Sunday), so if you'd like to come over early or clean up the next day, that's a possibility.

Again, I'm really glad swarm will be there! It should be a pretty mellow party and you're all welcome to hang out as long as you like

-End of Agreement Letter-

Original Invite

Mark Alexander writes

A good friend of mine (Dana Schmidt) has been appointed to “burnify” her company’s holiday party, and she’s got a budget. She immediately thought of Swarm. The party takes place in the Tessera space in Oakland (concrete floors) on December 8th.

Aside from the short notice and general burnoutitude that may make this gig unrealistic, what would our performance rate be? The party is 7pm to 2am, and I imagine they’d be looking for performance from 10-1 or something.

We probably need to table this discussion until Mike is back in the swing of things, but if you’ve got thoughts or numbers, please throw them out.