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Elevator pitch

SWARM is a fleet of semi-autonomous spherical robots, made from a lattice of plasma-cut stainless steel. An internal motor/counterweight system allows them to roll and steer without wheels. Sophisticated sensor and navigation electronics allows predetermined as well as real-time and evolutionary choreography. They will flock and dance, emit otherworldly sounds, and at night glow in spectral colors. They will make their first full debut in August at Burning Man 2007.

recruiting email

Send to:

  • FLG list, with request to repost
  • Tentacle list <>
  • dorkbotsf-blabber <>
  • Mad Scientists <>
  • Various art-geek Tribe tribes
  • sf-microcontrollers (list addr?)
  • homebrew robotics (list addr?

Subj: Borderline Impossible Radically Beautiful Robotic Art Project Needs You

The SWARM is a fleet of rolling robotic latticework spheres. This ambitious kinetic art project pushes the possibilities of distributed computing, autonomous navigation, and machine choreography. There is really nothing like it on this planet. For more information and pictures see

We've received funding from the Burning Man organization to complete six Orbs as well as a Mothership vehicle. Though it will be our first stop, the playa is just one step towards world domination. To get there, we need help with everything, from Orb construction and choreography to planning, fundraising, and outreach.

All skill sets are welcome, especially as our crew is geek-centric. As close associates of the Flaming Lotus Girls, we are proud to share their egalitarian and collaborative approach, and we hope to learn as much from new associates as they learn from us.

Interested beings may reach us at We thank you for your attention!

-The SWARM crew

You may lick our shiny metal orbs.