The goal of mothballing is to decrease ongoing costs while allowing further development.
The container at the Box Shop costs $400/month ($4,800/year) including shop fees.
Sharing rent
Sharing the container with individual SWARMies has worked pretty well. But expenses continue to be a drain on the project with little prospects of future recompensation. Another member or two in the container would make a big difference.
Offsite Storage
Consider offsite storage at Extra Space, 2501 Cesar Chavez: Everything should fit in a 5ft x 10ft x 8ft tall storage space $107/month ($1,284/year), 75% less expensive, though retrieval is difficult and there is no workspace or available electricity.
Items to store:
- Each of 6 orbs occupies a 3ft cube, maybe stacked 2 high on shelving and outside their crates
- shipping crates
- 2 cabinets of equipment, 2ft x 3ft x 7ft tall
We should sell items that will not be worked on in the next 12 months.
Dividing up the robots
There has been some interest in SWARM artists buying some of the robots. Hey buddy, wanna buy a robot?
Scraping for their components
See what SRL can do with them
See "Scraping for their components" but with more thermite.