Cal Academy Nightlife

Revision as of 13:41, 30 April 2009 by Niladri (Talk | contribs)

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Cal Academy Nightlife: April 30th, 2009


  • It'll be very crowded. We ideally need at least 2 people per working orb. One pilot, and one Orb Wrangler (to part the seas of spectators and lead the orbies to safety)

Things to bring:

  • 4 orbs (maybe 5th, wobbling orb for orb stand)
  • 2 orb stands (including thin crossbraces)
  • remotes, batteries for remotes (rechargeables)
  • tools (including voltmeter, wrenches, small electronic screwdrivers, allen key)
  • orb chargers , NiMH battery charger, extension cord
  • cross over connector for ethernet cable
  • pamphlets , poster , swarm stickers(?)
  • email signup list , pens
  •  ?

Who can go:

  • Marc (my cell phone: 510-410-5685)
  • Niladri (4:30 pm onwards) 415 577 8424
  • Corey (8:PM onwards)
  • Marnia (available anytime after 1pm; took time off)
  • Christie
  • Simran
  • Jesse - all day (early to late)
  • trebor (5pm onwards)
  • Ray
  • Denise
  • Erik
  • Lisa?
  • Michael P
  • Mills

Who can transport orbs (meet at 4:30 at the box shop):

  • Christie (3)
  • Simran (2 + 1 person)
  • Denise (getting my truck tuned up that day, so I'll PROBABLY have it back by Orb time... I can carry at least 3)